Friday, February 23, 2018

Argumentative essay claim about exotic animals

my claim is that exotic animals should not be kept as pets because they can be dangerous to humans or they can be dangerous to other pets were can’t take any chances we can’t have them has pets they can hurt people other pets and more we know that’s going to happen because they might have never been by a human and they might be scared of people or other pets

The reason why I pick exotic animals. Is because some  animals shouldn’t be kept has pets they might not like it their. The have to be free living in the wild. And they have to learn how to live by themselves.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Uniform debate

I don’t think school should not have uniforms because kids should be able to express them selves and they should have their own rights because kids might not like the uniforms because the students can’t express them selves and the uniforms might make people itch or it might hurt them because it might be to small for them so that’s why I think uniforms should not be allowed at school because people want to express them selves

Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow day

Over the week I had my birthday it was okay we got food but we got the wrong order then after we ate we went home and my family sang to me then we ate cake. I went to my room to grab something but there was something up with my room it was filled with banners of my favorite video games and some of my favorite characters in games to but then my mom told me that she signed me up for a video game tournament

Friday, February 2, 2018

Opposing view

I don’t think the killer whales should be keep at sea world because they might hurt someone else or they might get hurt by other killer whales. We really dont know what is going to happen but we think that it might happen again but we are not sure but we have to be ready if it happens again. So I think the need to get rid of the killer whales we don’t know if something like that might happen again.