Wednesday, October 4, 2017

if I were president

If I was president the laws I would put in would be no homework on weekends and I would make it so cigarettes are banned and people don't have to pay much if you go to the hospital And that people get paid a good amount of money a law that I want to take back is that you are aloud to jwalk I want to make so no one in the us can jwalk because some people who have jwalk have dead so I want to make it so no one can jwalk i would be a kind and nice president


  1. Hi I am Lorelai. I love how you said you won't let people jwalk. I wish you said more about not having home work on the weekend. I wonder why you are going to band cigarettes. Please join my blog at

  2. Thank you for posting this and I agree with the law of having not having homework on weekends.

  3. I love the fact that you want no homework over the weekend. Thank you for making this post. Please checkout my blog at
